Commercial Vehicle Weight Enforcement
HAENNI Instruments Inc. has been producing portable scales to weigh commercial vehicles since 1974. Their scales are unmatched for their low profile, light weight, large weighing area and reliable performance. The Swiss-made products are engineered and manufactured with precision according to OIML standards. HAENNI scales are used by law enforcement agencies as well as the private trucking industry.
Traffic Technology 2000 has been representing HAENNI Instruments Inc. in Canada for over 30 years. Our certified technicians repair and calibrate scales at our Montreal and Calgary facilities. We also offer an annual on-site calibration service throughout Canada. Visit our services section for more details.
Static Weighing
Static weighing is performed by measuring the weight of a vehicle once it has come to a complete stop. A minimum of two scales is required to weigh an axle. Equalization mats are used to level adjacent axles.
The following two Static Wheel Load Scales are available:

Dynamic Weighing
Dynamic weighing, also known as Weigh-In-Motion (WIM), allows the measurement to take place while the vehicle travels at a low-speed (< 20km/h) over the sensors. All information is displayed and recorded on a processing unit. This reduces the required time to weigh a vehicle versus the static weighing method.

Static & Dynamic Weighing
All the benefits in one product!
Use the dynamic measuring mode for a quick screening of passing vehicles. Use the static measuring mode for an accurate result.

Data Processing Units
Connect the electronic scales to a data processing unit for automatic data collection and reporting.

HAENNI offers a wide range of matching accessories for the scales. You will find products such as cabling, signal converters, remote displays, leveling mats and much more.